Monday, January 24, 2005

Parades, Float Barns and Balls again

Saturday night I went to the Don Donas ball at the ABBA Shrine. The stage was set with musical notes and records to showcase the theme 'Looney Tunes'. The theme was referring to silly songs not cartoons. The emblem couple opened the ball with their promenade. The tableaux began with the Village People doing YMCA. Next was Camp Grenada, the men were dressed like kids and they were dancing around like ballerinas. Nest the grim reaper appeared along with a witch and assorted monsters and Michael Jackson led the bunch in a dance routine to 'Thriller'. They were the best skit of the evening. The next group had ladies dressed as little red riding hood and the men dressed at the big bad wolf. One man was dressed up like grandma and they danced to 'Chain of Fools'. Then came men dressed as Arabs and ladies as harem girls. One man was riding in a gold glitter camel and they paraded around to 'Ahab the Arab'. Finally Old McDonald and his wife appeared in front of a barn. Lots of chickens showed up with protest signs reading eat more beef and other sayings. They joined the farmer and his wife in the 'Chicken Dance' and then danced off the stage to 'Shake a Tail Feather'. The Don Donas always end their tableaux with a mini parade into the crowd to throw beads and coins and then the grand march begins. Finally the queen and king are presented.

After leaving that ball I headed downtown to the Pierettes ball. I was not able to see the tableaux because both dances started at the same time. I stayed at that ball until the end and had a great time.

On Sunday I got up and headed down to the Order of Inca's open house at the float barn. The floats were wonderful. Next year will be the Inca's 50th and they are planning to rebuild their emblem float.

I stayed at the Inca open house for about an hour and then headed over to TP Crockmier's for Laurie's Boa birthday party. Everyone that was invited had to wear a boa of their choice. I chose a hot pink boa. After that I went back downtown to the Mystic Striper's open house. I always attend the Striper's open house because it is a lot of fun and I am a past queen.

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